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Surplus Real Estate Listings: Georgia

Most properties are subject to a possible 25-year petroleum deed restriction.

Dave Galm
email: [email protected]
28001 Citrin Drive Romulus, MI 48174
(313) 768-1674

Valerie Taylor
email: [email protected]
500 Speedway Drive, Enon, OH 45323
(937) 863-6744

City Address State Corner Size Sales Price Improvements/Comments
Dave Galm Jonesboro Tara Boulevard & Summerwind GA SWC 250 x 338 $310,000 Vacant; residential backup; excellent traffic; has not been used for petroleum retail
Valerie Taylor Lilburn 5644 Lawrenceville Highway GA SWC 1.33 acres $550,000 Vacant land, highly visible commercial lot, zoned for business, excellent traffic; NFA received; remediation complete

Updated: October, 2020